Brilliant Colors was top-of-the-pile Slumberland resurgence bands. They were one of the most solid 7” bands that I can remember, so a 12” containing their first two 7”s makes total sense to me. The first side of this compilation is the really wonderful self-titled ep on the amazing Make A Mess Records (Rank/Xerox, Gun Outfit, Grass Widow, etc). It’s funny because I remember really digging the Make A Mess ep when it came out, but probably haven’t listened to it in 3 or 4 years. The songs are definitely there, but it doesn’t have the impact that the follow up 7” on Captured Tracks had. Actually, I take that back. I think that the first side of this compilation (the Make A Mess 7”) sounds like a band trying to find their sound. Each song sounds a little bit like a different band, and this sometimes ends up being a turnoff for me. “I’m Sixteen” might be the most punk sounding song Brilliant Colors wrote.
The second side of this LP contains the two songs from the Captured Tracks single (“Highly Evolved” and “Takes So Little”) as well as a bonus track (“I Start With Your Name”). This single wasn’t something that necessarily stuck with me, but when I listen to it now I totally understand why this band was so awesome. “Highly Evolved” is a beautiful song that could very well have been on the original Slumberland comps. It’s not too far off from Raincoats, but the harmonies are still a little bit more punk sounding. I think that when this came out, under the shadows of the Brooklyn-“girls” bands, this probably just blended in. But after a few year break from the Viv’s, I can safely say this record rips. It’s just sloppy and lazy enough to come off as punk, but just dreamy-sounding enough to be a solid genre release. I'm glad I grabbed this for the steep steep price of $1.50, otherwise I might have continued to kind of forget about these jams.
The bonus song sounds like a throw-away track and isn’t reason enough to buy this compilation, but if you don’t have the first two records, its well worth the bargain basement price that I paid for it.
here's an awkward youtube video to make you feel good: